The ISettingMap interface contains information about a package setting.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
name | Y | string | The name of the setting (Only letters, numbers, dash and underscore). Min 2 max 50 characters |
displayName | Y | string | The display name of the setting. Min 2 max 50 characters |
description | string | The description of the setting. Min 2 max 100 characters | |
type | Y | string | The type of the setting. Possible values: [string, number, boolean, integer] |
isSecret | boolean | True if this is a secret setting (for example: Api Keys, passwords, etc). The input will be masked (as password) in the setting screen | |
defaultValue | string | The default value of the setting. Should match the type, if type is "integer" you can only have numbers here | |
required | boolean | Indicates if the setting is required. Defaults to false | |
enumValues | string[] | The allowed enum values. If this property is set, the property will be an enum. Obs: The options here should match the type. For example, if type is integer, we can only have numbers here. When type is string each option must have at least 1 character and at most 60 |