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Api Reference: IActivityBarService

The ActivityBar is the vertical bar on the left side of the window. It contains icons for various activities to navigate trough the app.

The activity bar and the sidebar are related by id. When the user clicks on an item in the activity bar, the sidebar will be changed to the one with the same id.

Workbench Core Components

Adding a new ActivityBar item

To add a new activity bar item, we need to create a new object with the following properties, and then call the add method from the IActivityBarService:

const activityBar = {
id: 'ActivityBarId',
name: 'MyActivityBar',
title: 'My activity bar',
icon: 'checklist',

You can use any icon from vscode-codicons library

If you want to use an image as an icon, you can use the render method for that:

const activityBar = {
id: 'ActivityBarId',
name: 'MyActivityBar',
title: 'My activity bar',
render: () => (<img src="" alt="My activity bar icon" />),

Removing an ActivityBar item

To remove an activity bar item, we need to call the remove method from the IActivityBarService (You should call the remove on dispose method of the extension)'ActivityBarId');

Set the active ActivityBar item

To set the active activity bar item, we need to call the setActive method from the activityBar service:'ActivityBarId');

Toggle the ActivityBar visibility

To toggle the activity bar visibility, we need to call the toggleBar method from the activityBar service:;

Detecting ActivityBar Item Click

To detect when an activity bar item is clicked, we need to subscribe to the onClick event from the activityBar service: string, item: IActivityBarItem) => {
// Do something

Detecting ActivityBar Item Change

To detect when the active activity bar item is changed, we need to subscribe to the onChange event from the activityBar service: string, nextSelectedId: string) => {
// Do something