Module: model
Table of contents
- ActivityBarEvent
- AuxiliaryEventKind
- ColorScheme
- ColorThemeEvent
- ColorThemeMode
- EditorEvent
- EditorTreeEvent
- ExplorerEvent
- FileTypes
- Float
- FolderTreeEvent
- IContributeType
- IExtensionType
- MarkerSeverity
- MenuBarEvent
- NotificationStatus
- PanelEvent
- ProblemsEvent
- SearchEvent
- SettingType
- SettingsEvent
- StatusBarEvent
- ActivityBarModel
- AppContext
- AppContextServices
- AuxiliaryModel
- EditorGroupModel
- EditorModel
- EditorTree
- ExtensionContext
- IExplorerModel
- IFolderTreeModel
- MenuBarModel
- NotificationModel
- PanelModel
- ProblemsModel
- SearchModel
- SettingsModel
- SidebarModel
- StatusBarModel
- TreeNodeModel
- BuiltInEditorTabDataType
- IActivityBar
- IActivityBarItem
- IActivityMenuItemProps
- IAuxiliaryBar
- IBrainConfiguration
- IChatCommandCompletion
- IChatCommandCompletionDefinition
- IChatCommandCompletionItem
- IChatContribute
- IChatInstruction
- IColorTheme
- IColors
- IContribute
- IEditor
- IEditorAction
- IEditorActionsProps
- IEditorGroup
- IEditorTab
- IExplorer
- IExplorerPanelItem
- IExtension
- IExtensionsConfiguration
- IFolderInputEvent
- IFolderTree
- IFolderTreeNodeProps
- IFolderTreeSubItem
- IIconTheme
- IMenuBar
- IMenuBarItem
- INotification
- INotificationItem
- IOutput
- IPanel
- IPanelItem
- IProblems
- IProblemsItem
- IProblemsTreeNode
- IRelatedInformation
- ISearchProps
- ISettingMap
- ISettings
- ISidebar
- ISidebarPane
- ISimpleKeybinding
- IStatusBar
- IStatusBarItem
- IWorkbench
- TokenColor
Type Aliases
- ChatAuxiliaryBar
- ChatInfo
- ChatMember
- ChatMemberSetting
- ChatMessage
- ChatMessageAttachment
- FileType
- IAuxiliaryBarMode
- IAuxiliaryData
- IEditorOptions
- RenderFunctionProps
Type Aliases
Ƭ ChatAuxiliaryBar: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | An unique id |
render | React.ReactNode | The content that will be displayed in the auxiliary bar |
title | string | The title |
Defined in
Ƭ ChatInfo: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
createdDate | Date | string | Date when the chat was created. |
id | string | Unique identifier for the chat. |
initiator | string | User who initiated the chat. |
isDirect? | boolean | False if this is a group chat, true if this is a 1-1 chat. |
name | string | Name of the chat. |
Defined in
Ƭ ChatMember: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
handleMessageTypes? | string [] | The type of messages that this member handlers (only applied to brains) |
id | string | The id of the member |
memberType | string | The member type (user, brain or assistant) |
settings? | ChatMemberSetting | The current settings of the member |
Defined in
Ƭ ChatMemberSetting: Object
Index signature
▪ [key: string
]: any
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
ignorePreviousMessages? | boolean | If true, the full chat history won't be sent to the brain, only the latest message. (Only applied to brains) |
instructions? | string | Custom instructions (Only applied to brains) |
Defined in
Ƭ ChatMessage: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
attachments? | ChatMessageAttachment [] | Array of attachments included in the message. |
audio? | string | Audio content of the message, if any. |
hidden? | boolean | Indicates if the message is hidden. |
id | string | The message identifier. |
isSystemMessage? | boolean | True if the message is a system message. (We use this for error messages, or other messages that shouldn't be catch by brains in the history) |
recipients | string [] | Array of recipient identifiers. |
sendDate | Date | string | Date and time when the message was sent. |
senderId | string | Identifier of the message sender. |
text? | string | Text content of the message, if any. |
Defined in
Ƭ ChatMessageAttachment: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
attachmentType | string | Type of the attachment. |
caption? | string | Optional caption for the attachment. |
file | string | File path or URL for the attachment. |
id | string | Unique identifier for the attachment. |
mimeType | string | MIME type of the attachment. |
originalFileName | string | Original file name of the attachment. |
size | number | Size of the attachment in bytes. |
Defined in
Ƭ FileType: keyof typeof FileTypes
Defined in
Ƭ IAuxiliaryBarMode: "default"
| "tabs"
Defined in
Ƭ IAuxiliaryData: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
key | UniqueId |
title | React.ReactNode |
Defined in
Ƭ IEditorOptions: MonacoEditor.IEditorOptions
& MonacoEditor.IGlobalEditorOptions
Defined in
Ƭ RenderFunctionProps: (props
: any
) => React.ReactNode
Type declaration
▸ (props
): React.ReactNode
Name | Type |
props | any |
Defined in
• Const
KeyCodeString: Partial
\<{ [key in KeyCode]: string }>