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Publishing a brain

After you finish the development of your brain, you can publish it to the package registry so that other users can install and use it.


Make sure to create a publisher before publishing your brain (see creating a publisher).


  • Add a file to the root folder of your brain project to correctly describe your brain. This file will be displayed in the MarketPlace when the user clicks on your brain.
  • Add a file to the root folder of your brain project to correctly describe the license of your brain
  • Add a file to the root folder of your brain project to correctly describe the changes of your brain (applicable when publishing a new version of your brain)


Before publishing your brain, you must correctly fill the package.json file with your brain's information.

See the package.json reference for more information.

After that, go to the root folder of your brain project and run:

hubai brain publish

This will publish your brain to the package registry.

If everything goes well, you will be able to see your brain in the MarketPlace tab of the HubAI app.


You need to be authenticated to publish a brain (see authentication).