📄️ The first brain
Brain Service
📄️ Brain with Conversation Capability
A brain with the conversation capability is used to receive text prompts from the HubAI app and send text responses back. Example of brains with this capability: ChatGPT, Bard, etc.
📄️ Brain with VoiceTranscription Capability
A brain with the voice_transcription capability is used to receive audio prompts from the HubAI app and transcribe it to texts. Example of brains with this capability: Google Speech-to-Text, OpenAI Whisper-1, etc.
📄️ Brain with ImageGeneration Capability
A brain with the image_generation capability is used to receive text prompts from the HubAI app and generate images from it. Example of brains with this capability: OpenAI DALL-E, etc.
📄️ Brain Manifest
Every brain needs a manifest file package.json at the root of the project. This file contains the brain metadata and settings.