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Brain with Conversation Capability

A brain with the conversation capability is used to receive text prompts from the HubAI app and send text responses back. Example of brains with this capability: ChatGPT, Bard, etc.

To create a brain with this capability, you must implement the ITextBrainService interface on your BrainService:

export default class MyBrainService
async sendTextPrompt(
prompts: TextBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {

You will receive an array of TextBrainPrompt objects, each object represents a prompt from the user. You will also receive a IBrainPromptContext object, which contains the user's information and the brain's settings.

The sendTextPrompt method must return a BrainPromptResponse object, which contains the response to the user and a BrainSettingsValidationResult object, which contains the validation result of the brain's settings.


Simple Echo Brain

Conversation brain that just echoes the user's input:

prompts: TextBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {
const validationResult = this.validateSettings(context.settings);

return Promise.resolve({
result: 'Text prompt received:\n ``json \n' + JSON.stringify(prompts) + '\n``',

ChatGPT API Brain

An example of a brain that uses the ChatGPT Package to generate responses:

import { ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI } from 'chatgpt';

prompts: TextBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<UserSettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {
const api = new ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI({
accessToken: context.settings.accessToken,
debug: true,
apiReverseProxyUrl: context.settings.apiReverseProxyUrl,

const validationResult = this.validateSettings(context.settings);

if (!validationResult.success) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: validationResult.getMessage(),

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const prompt = prompts[0].message;
.then((res) => resolve({ result: res.text, validationResult }))
.catch((err) => reject(err));

validateSettings(settings: UserSettings): BrainSettingsValidationResult {
const validation = new BrainSettingsValidationResult();

if (!settings.accessToken)
validation.addFieldError('accessToken', 'cannot be empty');
if (!settings.apiReverseProxyUrl)
validation.addFieldError('apiReverseProxyUrl', 'cannot be empty');
return validation;

Check our API Reference for more information about the interfaces and objects used in the BrainService.