Brain with ImageGeneration Capability
A brain with the image_generation
capability is used to receive text prompts from the HubAI app and generate images from it. Example of brains with this capability: OpenAI DALL-E, etc.
To create a brain with this capability, you must implement the IImageGenerationBrainService interface on your BrainService:
export default class MyBrainService
async generateImage(
prompts: ImageGenerationBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse>
You will receive a list of ImageGenerationBrainPrompt object, that contains the prompt to generate the image and the expected response format for the image. You will also receive a IBrainPromptContext object, which contains the user's information, brain's settings and some additional data.
The method must return a BrainPromptResponse object, which contains the response to the user and a BrainSettingsValidationResult object, which contains the validation result of the brain's settings. The generated images should be included in the attachments property of the BrainPromptResponse object.
import OpenAI from 'openai';
import fs from 'fs';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
async generateImage(
prompts: ImageGenerationBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {
// OpenAI API does not support multiple prompts for DALL-E image generation, so we just get the latest one
const prompt = prompts[prompts.length - 1];
// First we validate the settings
const validationResult = this.validateSettings(context.settings);
// If the settings are not valid we return the validation result
if (!validationResult.success) {
return Promise.resolve({
result: validationResult.getMessage(),
let responseFormat = 'url';
// Check if the prompt expects a base64 encoded image as response
if (prompt.expectedResponseType === 'base64') {
responseFormat = 'b64_json';
const params: OpenAI.Images.ImageGenerateParams = {
prompt: prompt.message.trim(),
n: Number.parseInt(context.settings.imageGenerationCount),
size: context.settings.imageGenerationSize,
user: context.senderId,
response_format: responseFormat as any,
// Call the API
const result = await new OpenAI({ apiKey: settings.apiKey }).images.generate(
// Get the urls from the response
const urls = =>
responseFormat === 'url' ? d.url : d.b64_json,
const attachments: ResponseFile[] = [];
// Parse the attachments
for (const url of urls) {
let data: Buffer | string = url;
// If the prompt expects a binary response we fetch the image and return it as a buffer
if (prompt.expectedResponseType === 'binary') {
data = await (await fetch(url)).buffer();
fileType: 'image',
mimeType: 'image/png', // mimeType is always png for DALL-E
return {
result: '', // If you want to return any additional text you can do it here
attachments, // Attachments are returned as a list of files
Check our API Reference for more information about the interfaces and objects used in the BrainService.