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The first brain

Brain Service

After creating your first brain, you will have a BrainService class that looks like this:

export default class MyBrainService
async transcribeAudio(
prompt: LocalAudioPrompt,
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {

async sendTextPrompt(
prompts: TextBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {

validateSettings(settings: ISettings): BrainSettingsValidationResult {

Pay a closer attention to the interfaces that the class implements:

  1. ITextBrainService: This interface is used to receive text prompts from the HubAI app. If your brain has the conversation capability, you must implement this interface.
  2. IAudioTranscriberBrainService: This interface is used to receive audio prompts from the HubAI app and transcribe it to texts. If your brain has the audio_transcriber capability, you must implement this interface.

Conversation Brain

The conversation brain is the most common type of brain, it is used to receive text prompts from the HubAI app and send text responses back.

To create a conversation brain, you must implement the ITextBrainService<ISettings> interface on your BrainService:

export default class MyBrainService
async sendTextPrompt(
prompts: TextBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {

You will receive an array of TextBrainPrompt objects, each object represents a prompt from the user. You will also receive a IBrainPromptContext object, which contains the user's information and the brain's settings.

The sendTextPrompt method must return a BrainPromptResponse object, which contains the response to the user and a BrainSettingsValidationResult object, which contains the validation result of the brain's settings.

Here's an example of a conversation brain that just echoes the user's input:

prompts: TextBrainPrompt[],
context: IBrainPromptContext<ISettings>,
): Promise<BrainPromptResponse> {
const validationResult = this.validateSettings(context.settings);

return Promise.resolve({
result: 'Text prompt received:\n ``json \n' + JSON.stringify(prompts) + '\n``',

Check our API Reference for more information about the interfaces and objects used in the BrainService.